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 Home About Us  History
The past three decades has seen the greatest number of scientific and technological innovations in the history of mankind. These 30 years of discovery, learning and efforts have taught us that the future cannot be built without the past. Our eventful history, with its failures and success, reflects the course that has striven continuously to stretch the limits of our understanding. With each day bringing new insights into how our world works, Maps has powered resources to enhance creating innovative solutions.

In 1975 Maps was formed with an idea that industries needed innovative and environment friendly solutions for various processes and applications, rather than the traditional chemical treatments. We have grown from a small, regional Ahmedabad-based company with a single product to a premier international biotechnology company with success built on a platform of manufacturing capabilities, technological innovation and service to customers.

Below are the major milestones in making of the present Maps.
Mr. Piyush Palkhiwala started Maps Industries, a small unit producing alpha amylase for textile desizing application, under the brand name of Palkozyme.
Maps expanded its Solid State fermentation facilities to cope with the increasing demand.
Palkobate - a protease for leather bating was successfully developed and introduced in the market.
Maps sets up a large-scale fermentation plant to manufacture enzymes to offer a range of enzyme products for textile and leather.
Maps launches Palkogent - an alkaline protease for detergent and Palkobake – a fungal alpha amylase for baking.
Maps broadens its product range with the introduction of Palkolase - a heat-stable alpha amylase enzyme and Palkodex - a glucoamylase enzyme for starch and alcohol industries.
Maps listed amongst the Top 1000 national private business groups in India.

Maps sets up fermentation facilities for cellulase enzymes. Palkowash and Palkostone for denim stone washing and Palkofeel and Palkosoft for textile bio polishing were launched.

Maps expands its market presence and starts export of enzymes to world markets.
Mr. Piyush Palkhiwala, chairman of Maps Group was awarded the prestigious "Best Entrepreneur of the Year", by the Rotary International Club. Maps (India) Limited, was incorporated.
Maps modernises its fermentation facilities with a four fold capacity expansion to support the growing market demand in South East Asian countries.
Maps ventures into a large expansion program, with eight fold Solid State fermentation and a new Submerge fermentation facility to manufacture enzymes like, high temperature alpha amylase, pectinase, protease, glucoamylase, catalase and lipase.
Maps opens a new factory and R & D centre at Oran with the most sophisticated fermentation technology. Palkoperox - a catalase for textile bleach clean-up application was launched.
Maps broadens its textile product range with the introduction of Palkozyme HT Plus - a novel heat-stable alpha amylase enzyme.
Maps launches a range of enzymes for animal feed including phytase and xylanase under the brand Palkofeed.
Maps ventures in production of industrial microorganisms offering biological solutions for environment applications like treatment of waste and effluent and introduces its first biological product Palkotreat SP. Maps listed amongst the Top 50 Biotech companies in India, ranked no. 31. Sales network expanded to Europe and America.
Maps launches Palkodegrease - a lipase for degreasing application in leather processing. A new corporate office was acquired in Ahmedabad
Maps signs MoU with Government of Gujarat for investing Rs. 100 million for development and production of new enzymes & microorganisms. Sales network further expanded to African and Middle East countries.
Maps launches Palkodehair - an alkaline protease for un-haring / liming application in leather processing to replace hazardous chemicals and Palkostone NCA - a neutral cellulase for denim stone washing.
Maps R&D centre gets recognition from DSIR, Government of India. Palkotreat Aqua - a mixture of microorganism and enzymes for aquaculture.
“Palko” registered trademark of Maps (India) Limited


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