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Press Releases

Welcome to the Maps News

You will find our up-to-date press releases, an overview of new developments and further important happenings concerning the Maps Group.

If you have any questions, requests, suggestions, send us an e-mail. We will be able to inform you extensively and offer you the best possible service.

Do visit this section from time to time to keep in touch with our progress.

Latest Press Releases

12 January 2005
Maps signs MoU with Government of Gujarat for investing Rs. 100 million in 2005 for production of new enzymes and microorganisms

01 September 2004
Maps launches a degreasing enzyme for leather processing

28 January 2004
Maps acquires new corporate office

08 May 2001
Maps launches a new high temperature desizing enzyme

07 February 2001
Maps launches a revolutionary product for waste treatment

31 March 2000
Maps launches a novel catalase enzyme for textile wet processing

07 August 2000
Consumption of biotechnology products likely to double by 2005

31 July 2000
Gujarat can lead biotechnology revolution

26 July 2000
AlI India Biotech Association (AIBA) appoints Piyush Palkhiwala as Chairman

22 March 2000
Maps inaugurates its new production plant for enzymes–The Oran unit

06 December 1999
Enzyme producers must invest in R&D: Maps Chief

31 March 1999
Stone laying ceremony for Maps new fermentation facility



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